
Monday, January 6, 2014


"Waiting" photo by Gina Matchinsky

January 6, 2014 question is: Today was tough because...

The day our cat, Eartha Kitty, died a  couple of days ago was one really tough day. It was so stressful I think it left me a line or two in the middle of my brows. I had a headache also and I felt a lump on my throat that stayed there for a long while.

But today is nothing extra-ordinarily tough. In fact it was just a usual day at home. I did some chores, worked on my photos, checked my Facebook and my Blogger account and posted some entries. It has been really cold for quite  a while now since it is winter but not at all that tough if you just stay home and got really bundled up, heated and humidified.

So what makes this particularly ordinary day tough?

Probably, all the usual things that has always been making my every day tough.

For people who are stay-at-home moms or dads, or, wives or husbands, it is tough worrying about the safety of loved-ones right after the time they got out of your sight or leave your door step. A lot of unpleasant or even horrible things can happen. There is the travel, the weather and a lot of things that can go wrong that are beyond one's control. And all one can do is just wait patiently, have faith and pray. One only get to let out a sigh of relief when a loved-one gets safely back home again. At  least you get respite from this kind of worry every night and during weekends.

But that is not the only worry of stay-at-home people, like me, in an average day. For those people who are miles and miles apart from loved ones, they worry about the thought of not being able to do anything for their loved ones in case of emergency, or the passing of time that they are not together, or the thought of not seeing their loved ones ever again.

Being a stay-at-home person and being away from loved ones, too, these will always be a part of an everyday worry no matter how uneventful a day is.

So what makes a particularly ordinary day like this tough for me? It is tough waiting for loved ones to finally come home.

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